another journey begins

Our family is about to embark upon a new opportunity together.

My first flight in an airplane was during my time at university. My destination was the South Pacific with a five month stay in Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. My interest in foreign lands, languages & cultures grew with endless adventures around the world. I lived in Japan, Malawi, Dominican Republic and Mexico with shorter visits to South Korea, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Spain, Cuba, Brazil, and Greece. The majority of these journeys were ministry related sprinkled with stints of longer stays in the USA in between assignments. My most treasured blessing from all of these amazing opportunities is my husband, who I met in the Dominican Republic. We married nine years ago. We adopted our two foster children and became a forever family of four.

Stay tuned for more details on why and where we are going!


Published by Jeweliah

pastor's wife. mother. volunteer. communicator. photographer. artist. designer. promoter. teacher. public speaker. gardener. adventurist.

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